Pregnancy tests

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One Step pregnancy test strips

Sensitivity of pregnancy tests: 
10miu/ml - High sensitivity (One Step pregnancy tests)

25miu/ml - Normal sensitivity

Ultra Early pregnancy test One Step 10mIU/ml can detect a pregnancy from starting 10 days after ovulation. The hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (shortened to HCG) increases dramatically from less than 5mIU/ml to way over 100,000mIU/ml in the first 3 months of a pregnancy. So our 10mIU/ml test is extremely sensitive.

Kogus Price  
3tk 4,99 € 1,66 €/Tk - +
5 tk 7,70 € 1,54 €/Tk
- +
10 tk 12,90 € 1,29 €/Tk
- +
15 tk 14,90 € 0,99 €/Tk
- +
20 tk 18,90 € 0,95 €/Tk
- +
25 tk 19,90 € 0,80 €/Tk
- +
30 tk 27,50 € 0,92 €/Tk
- +

Clearblue digital pregnancy tests with weeks indicator

The Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator is the first and only test that is as accurate as an ultrasound scan at dating pregnancy**. Its Smart Dual Sensor ™ not only tells you in words if you're 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant', it also tells you how far along you are.

It's like 2 tests in 1 - it first detects if the pregnancy hormone is present with over 99% accuracy from the day of your expected period, and if you are pregnant, it ALSO indicates how many weeks since conception occurred 1-2, 2-3 or more than 3 weeks (3+).
The Weeks Indicator is 93% accurate in detecting when you conceived.

*Can test 5 days eraly - so sensitive you can test up to 5 days before your missed period. 

Within 3 minutes your 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant' result in words will appear on the screen. If the result is 'Pregnant' the test will also indicate time since conception occurred (1-2, 2-3 or 3+ weeks).

  • * Can be used 5 days before your missed period (which is 4 days before your expected period).  In lab testing, 98% of pregnant results were detected the day before the expected period, 97% were detected 2 days before, 90% 3 days before and 65% 4 days before the expected period.
  • ** 'Weeks' result 97% in agreement with later ultrasound dating scan. Based on studies of 187 women comparing results (1-2, 2-3, 3+ weeks since conception) to ultrasound dating.
Kogus Price  
Fooliumpakendis 1 tk 16,90 € 16,90 €/Tk - +
Pakis 1tk 18,90 € 18,90 €/Tk
- +
Pakis 2tk 29,90 € 14,95 €/Tk
- +


One Step Digital Pregnancy Test

NEW! One Step Digital Pregnancy Test is a fast and easy to use pregnancy test.
It is used for the qualitative detection of hCG in urine.

Shows a clear YES if pregnant and NO if not pregnant.
Over 99% Accurate, with test sensitivity of 25Miu
Read results in 3 minutes.

One Step Digital hCG Pregnancy Test measures the presence of the hormone (HCG) in your urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Pregnancy Test results can be seen clearly in the test window, which will give a clear YES or NO result.

Summary and Explanation:

HCG is produced by the placenta during pregnancy, shortly after the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. Usually hCG can be detected by a home pregnancy test 7-10 days after conception. This test is capable of detecting pregnancy as early as the first day after you miss a period. The further into the pregnancy you are the higher the levels of HCG in your urine. The concentration of HCG in non-pregnant women is normally 5.0mIU/ml. At the time of the last missed menstrual period; urine HCG levels are about 100mlU/ml with peak levels of 100,000 to 200,000mlU/ml seen at the end of the first trimester.

Kogus Price  
1tk 11,90 € 11,90 €/Tk
2 tk 22,50 € 11,25 €/Tk - +

Clearblue Early Detect Pregnancy Test

Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test can be used up to 6 days before your missed period. Clearblue features an ergonomic design, including a longer, curved stick, and wide colour-changing tip.

Clear and simple result layout: 2 lines if you’re pregnant, 1 line if you’re not pregnant.


Kogus Price  
Pakis 2tk 19,50 € 9,75 €/Tk - +


Clearblue Triple Check+date pregnancy tests (3pcs)

Triple-check early & date your pregnancy

This extra value combo pack contains 2 Clearblue Ultra Early Pregnancy Tests that can be used from 6 days early[1] and 1 Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator so you can test early and confirm your result with unmistakably clear digital result in words. Both tests are over 99% accurate from the day you expect your period.

If you think you might be pregnant, you want to know as soon as possible. With Clearblue Ultra Early Pregnancy Test, you can test up to 6 days before your missed period (5 days before your expected period)[1] – no test can tell you sooner. It is easy to use with its ergonomic curved handle, its extra wide colour-changing tip, and the Clearblue Floodguard(TM) Technology that helps reduce reported usage error (data on file). Finally, the results are clear and simple to read: two lines mean you’re pregnant and one line means you’re not pregnant.[3]

Enjoy the unique benefit of discovering at home how far along you are: Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator not only gives you a clear 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant' result in words on a digital display screen, but if the result is 'Pregnant' it also indicates the number of weeks since you conceived: 1-2, 2-3 or more than 3 (3+). It is as accurate as an ultrasound at dating pregnancy.[2]

Extra value combo: Two Clearblue Ultra Early Tests and one Clearblue with
Weeks Indicator Test.
Over 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy from the day you expect your period.
Weeks Indicator: first and only test that tells you how many weeks since you conceived: 1-2, 2-3, or 3+ weeks.
Weeks Indicator: gives a result in words Pregnant or Not Pregnant.
Ultra Early: results 6 days before your missed period (missed period is the day after you expect your period).


Kogus Price  
Pakis 3tk 29,50 € 9,83 €/Tk - +

Clearblue Double Check + Date pregnancy tests 2pcs

Clearblue Value Pack - Double Check offers you the opportunity to check and confirm the result, at the same time knowing how many weeks ago you conceived. It contains two Clearblue pregnancy tests for confidence when you need it most.

One digital test of Clearblue pregnancy with an indicator of weeks - very accurate - also tells you what period you are in (1-2, 2-3, 3+ weeks from the moment of conception). Digital pregnancy test Clearblue with an indicator of weeks is the first and only test that is as accurate as ultrasound scanning when determining the period of pregnancy. Its Smart Dual Sensor ™ not only tells you in words whether you are "pregnant" or "not pregnant", but also tells you what period you are on. You can take the test 4 days before your expected period.

Один тест на беременность Clearblue Plus - он более чем на 99% точень при дрении преграннии со дня переменных меснулих.It is sufficiently sensitive that it can be used for 4 days before the expected period.It has an ergonomic handle designed to make the Clearblue PLUS pregnancy test the easiest to use home pregnancy test.Его цветной кононечник helps women to pass the test more easily.Its built-in protection against flooding helps women use the test correctly.It provides easily readable result + or - in just 3 minutes.

Kogus Price  
2 tk 19,24 € 22,90 € 11,45 €/Tk - +

Clearblue digital ultra early prenancy test with stoplight (2pcs)

Clearblue digital ultra early prenancy test with stoplight and Smart Countdown.

Ultra sensitive
Our most sensitive digital pregnancy test detects the pregnancy hormone, hCG, with a sensitivity of 10mIU/ml.

Ultra early
Results from 6 days before your missed period (which is 5 days before your expected period). 78% of pregnancies can be detected 6 days before your missed period, 93% of pregnancies 5 days before and 99% or more from  4 days before your missed period.    

Ultra clear
Digital ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant’ result in words for more trust in your early result. 
The result "Pregnant" remains on the screen for up to 1 month.

Ultra easy to use
Easy to grip, ergonomic design, with extra wide tip for easy sampling and unique stop light which flashes to tell you when you’ve sampled enough urine. It also includes Floodguard™ Technology to help reduce usage errors and reassures you throughout testing with our Smart Countdown to your clear digital result in words.

Over 99% Accurate
From the day you expect your period.

Kogus Price  
2 tk 29,90 € 14,95 €/Tk - +

Clearblue Pregnancy Test Fast & Easy (2 pack)

With Clearblue Fast & Easy Pregnancy Test , the absorbent tip turns pink to help you sample correctly and clear plus (+) or minus (-) results appear in just 2 minutes.

Over 99% accurate – From the day your period is due.

Can test 5 days early – So sensitive you can test up to 5 days before your missed period.

Easy to use – The absorbent tip changes from white to pink to show you urine is being absorbed and you can read your clear plus (+) or minus (-) result after 2 minutes.

Clinical testing with early pregnancy samples:
4 days before expected period - 53% of pregnant women
3 days before expected period- 74% of pregnant women
days before expected period - 84% of pregnant women

1 days before expected period - 87% of pregnant women

days before expected period - 99% of pregnant women

Kogus Price  
2 tk 15,21 € 16,90 € 8,45 €/Tk - +


Pregnancy midstream tests

Sensitivity of pregnancy tests: 
10miu/ml - High sensitivity (One Step pregnancy tests)

25miu/ml - Normal sensitivity

Ultra Early pregnancy test One Step 10mIU/ml can detect a pregnancy from starting 10 days after ovulation. The hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (shortened to HCG) increases dramatically from less than 5mIU/ml to way over 100,000mIU/ml in the first 3 months of a pregnancy. So our 10mIU/ml test is extremely sensitive.

Kogus Price  
2 tk 5,20 € 2,60 €/Tk - +
3 tk 7,20 € 2,40 €/Tk
- +
5 tk 10,90 € 2,18 €/Tk
- +
7 tk 12,40 € 1,77 €/Tk
- +
10 tk 16,40 € 1,64 €/Tk
- +

Pregnancy cassette tests

Sensitivity of pregnancy tests: 
10miu/ml - High sensitivity

25miu/ml - Normal sensitivity

Classical pregnancy cassette test can detect a pregnancy from starting day your periode is late. 
Our cassette type pregnancy test, utilising a pipette to accurately add the correct amount of urine to the test well. These tests, just like all our tests, are accurate, reliable and give results very quickly.These tests indicate a positive result for pregnancy at concentrations levels of 25mIU/ml and above.


Kogus Price  
2 tk 4,58 € 2,29 €/Tk - +
3 tk 6,00 € 2,00 €/Tk
- +
5 tk 8,34 € 1,67 €/Tk
- +
7 tk 9,96 € 1,42 €/Tk
- +
10 tk 13,12 € 1,31 €/Tk
- +